Free Quit Claim Deed

A free quit claim deed is used to transfer ownership of real estate from one person or party to another. Quit claim deeds are most often used to transfer ownership of property when the property is conveyed as a gift. They are commonly used by family members to transfer real estate when a warranty deed is not needed.

Our free quit claim deeds prohibit the GRANTOR – the person transferring the property – from trying to claim interest in the property. When signing a quit claim deed the GRANTOR “quits” his or her interest, thus relinquishing ownership in the property.

A quit claim deed protects the GRANTEE – the person receiving the property. These deeds are very important when transferring ownership of property after a death or a divorce.

All that is needed when filling out a quit claim deed form is the names of the GRANTOR and GRANTEE, their addresses, a full description of the property in question and everyone’s signature. Once completed, to be valid, your quit claim deed must be signed and sealed in the presence of a notary.

Create a Free Quit Claim Deed Form

Download a free quit claim deed form with everything you need to fill out a quit claim deed on your own. Get started for free below:

Free Quit Claim Deed Form

Free Quit Claim Deed

This Quitclaim Deed is made on ___________________, 20____, between __________________________, GRANTOR,

address: __________________________________________.

and _________________________________________, GRANTEE,

address: __________________________________________.

For valuable consideration, the GRANTOR hereby quitclaims and transfers the following described real
estate to the grantee to have and hold forever, located at _______________________________________,
City of _________________________, State of _____________________________, and described as follows:

Description of property___________________________________________

Dated: ___________, 20________________________

_________________________________ ______________________________________
Signature of GRANTOR Printed Name of GRANTOR

State of _____________________
County of ____________________

On ____________________ , 20 ______ , _____________________________ personally came
before me and, being duly sworn, did state that he or she is the person described in the above document
and that he or she signed the above document in my presence.

Signature of Notary Public

Notary Public, In and for the County of ____________________
State of ____________________

My commission expires: __________________

Notary Seal

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